
data class GroupedLightUpdateParameters(val power: PowerParameters? = null, val dimming: DimmingParameters? = null, val dimmingDelta: DimmingDeltaParameters? = null, val colorTemperature: ColorTemperatureParameters? = null, val colorTemperatureDelta: ColorTemperatureDeltaParameters? = null, val color: ColorParameters? = null, val alert: AlertParameters? = null, val dynamics: DynamicsParameters? = null)

State and settings that can be modified on a grouped light.


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fun GroupedLightUpdateParameters(power: PowerParameters? = null, dimming: DimmingParameters? = null, dimmingDelta: DimmingDeltaParameters? = null, colorTemperature: ColorTemperatureParameters? = null, colorTemperatureDelta: ColorTemperatureDeltaParameters? = null, color: ColorParameters? = null, alert: AlertParameters? = null, dynamics: DynamicsParameters? = null)


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val alert: AlertParameters? = null

Specify a new joined alert state for the light group.

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val color: ColorParameters? = null

Specify a new color state for the joined light group.

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Specify a new color temperature state for the joined light group.

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Specify a relative color temperature change for the light group.

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Specify a new dimming state for the joined light group.

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Specify a relative dimming state to adjust on the light group.

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Specify the dynamics for the state change.

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val power: PowerParameters? = null

Specify a new power state for the joined light group.