
data class LightEvent(val id: ResourceId, val owner: ResourceReference, val powerInfo: PowerInfo? = null, val dimmingInfo: DimmingInfoEvent? = null, val colorTemperatureInfo: ColorTemperatureInfoEvent? = null, val colorInfo: ColorInfoEvent? = null)

Data sent during a light update on the events API.


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fun LightEvent(id: ResourceId, owner: ResourceReference, powerInfo: PowerInfo? = null, dimmingInfo: DimmingInfoEvent? = null, colorTemperatureInfo: ColorTemperatureInfoEvent? = null, colorInfo: ColorInfoEvent? = null)


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Information about the bulb's color and color capabilities.

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Information about the color temperature and capabilities of the light.

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Information about the light's dimming, if supported.

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Unique identifier representing a specific resource instance

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Owner of the service

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val powerInfo: PowerInfo? = null

On/Off state of the light