
data class LightUpdateParameters(val power: PowerParameters? = null, val dimming: DimmingParameters? = null, val dimmingDelta: DimmingDeltaParameters? = null, val colorTemperature: ColorTemperatureParameters? = null, val colorTemperatureDelta: ColorTemperatureDeltaParameters? = null, val color: ColorParameters? = null, val dynamics: DynamicsParameters? = null, val alert: AlertParameters? = null, val gradient: GradientParameters? = null, val effects: EffectsParameters? = null, val timedEffects: TimedEffectsParameters? = null)

Data available to be updated on a light object via the bridge.

All these fields are optional and if left blank will not be changed.


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fun LightUpdateParameters(power: PowerParameters? = null, dimming: DimmingParameters? = null, dimmingDelta: DimmingDeltaParameters? = null, colorTemperature: ColorTemperatureParameters? = null, colorTemperatureDelta: ColorTemperatureDeltaParameters? = null, color: ColorParameters? = null, dynamics: DynamicsParameters? = null, alert: AlertParameters? = null, gradient: GradientParameters? = null, effects: EffectsParameters? = null, timedEffects: TimedEffectsParameters? = null)


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val alert: AlertParameters? = null

Specify an alert state on the light

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val color: ColorParameters? = null

Specify a color to change the light to.

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Specify the color temperature of the light

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Specify a relative color temperature change to implement on the light.

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Specify the brightness state of the light

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Specify a relative brightness change to implement on the light.

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Specify the dynamics of the state change

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Specify a lighting effect for the light

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Specify a gradient to implement on the light.

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val power: PowerParameters? = null

Power state of the light

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Specify a timed lighting effect for the light.