
data class Scene(val id: ResourceId, val v1Id: String? = null, val actions: List<SceneActionReference>, val metadata: SceneMetadata, val group: ResourceReference, val speed: Percentage, val autoDynamic: Boolean, val palette: ScenePalette? = null)

Scene data, used to store and recall settings for a group of lights.


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fun Scene(id: ResourceId, v1Id: String? = null, actions: List<SceneActionReference>, metadata: SceneMetadata, group: ResourceReference, speed: Percentage, autoDynamic: Boolean, palette: ScenePalette? = null)


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List of actions to be executed synchronously on recal.

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Speed of dynamic palette for this scene.

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Group associated with this Scene.

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Unique identifier representing a specific resource instance

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User-configured metadata for the scene.

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val palette: ScenePalette? = null

Group of colors that describe the palette of colors to be used when playing dynamics.

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val speed: Percentage

Speed of dynamic palette for this scene.

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val v1Id: String? = null

Clip v1 resource identifier.